November 2009:
We haven’t even finished our Halloween candy and it’s already time to dream about turkey and stuffing. (No complaints.) In addition to our regular features, this month we share a free recipe from the wildly popular cookbook A Taste of Wyoming, spotlight National Young Reader’s week, and introduce you to popular historian and author Ellen Baumler. Thanks for reading.
In this issue:
Free Recipe
Featured Author
Win Stuff!
Robert’s Sketchbook
Book Buzz
Event Calendar
Chrysti the Wordsmith
Spotlight: National Young Reader’s Week
Tornado Road

Free Recipe: Taste of Wyoming
Halloween didn’t satisfy your sweet tooth? The Wildflower Inn, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, has a simple yet delectable recipe for Heavenly Hot Chocolate.
The recipe appears in the elegant cookbook A Taste of Wyoming, by Pamela Sinclair, with photography by Paulette Phlipot. (psssst… this book makes an excellent Christmas gift!)
Download recipe
More Info
The Wildflower Inn
Photographer’s Website

Featured Author
Meet Ellen Baumler, interpretive historian for the Montana Historical Society and author of several books, including Montana Chillers: 13 True Tales of Ghosts and Hauntings.
Favorite place to buy books:
Montana Historical Society Gift Store
Dogs or cats?
Dobie is a Lhasa Apso/Havanese mix, adorable, but he barks at animals on TV. Horses and cows drive him nuts.
Starkey is clutsy gray tabby cat. A couple of years ago, he fell off the roof, dislocated his hip, and used up most of his nine lives. He made a full recovery but he has never been very graceful.
What would you be doing if you weren't a historian and author?
Probably teaching high school equivalency (GED), which is what I did for 10 years in Tucson, Arizona, before I came to Montana.

Win Stuff!
Congratulations to Marla U., of Helena, Montana. Marla’s prize of choice was Bug Feats of Montana by Deborah Richie Oberbillig, with illustrations by Robert Rath.
You could be the next winner! Enter our December drawing to win a free book from www.farcountrypress.com (drawing excludes books by other publishers that Farcountry distributes).
Just send us an email at newsletter@farcountrypress.com by November 21. Be sure to type “November drawing” in the subject line. Good luck!

Robert’s Sketchbook
Illustrator Robert Rath shares some sketches he made during the Montana Festival of the Book in Missoula last weekend.

Illustrator’s Website
Robert Rath’s latest books:
Bug Feats of Montana
Yellowstone's Hot Legends and Cool Myths

Chrysti the Wordsmith
Already dreaming of a tasty Thanksgiving meal? Radio host and author Chrysti the Wordsmith explains why the baked bird on your Turkey Day table shares the name of a country half a world away.
The tale of this shared name begins in 1519, when explorer Hernando Cortez and his Spanish company arrived in the heart of the Aztec empire and found the people raising and eating a large bird they called huexolotlin, a name imitating its gobbling call. When Cortez returned to Spain, several huexolotlin were in his ship’s hold.
The Spaniards, who found the meat of the bird agreeable indeed, dropped the exotic native name of the creature and re-christened it “el Pavo” and the “Indian fowl.”
By about 1530, the descendants of Cortez’s imported “Indian fowl” arrived in England. But because the first specimens were transported to the British Isles on Levantine merchant ships originating in Turkish territory, the British assumed the exotic birds were natives of Turkey. By the 1600s, turkeys were common in the farmyards and on the tables of the English.
Imagine the surprise the first European immigrants to this continent when they discovered all the “turkeys” on the shores of the New World.
From Verbivore’s Feast, Second Course: More Word and Phrase Origins by Chrysti the Wordsmith. Also available is Verbivore’s Feast: A Banquet of Word and Phrase Origins.
Author’s Website
Chrysti the Wordsmith is produced at KGLT-FM on the campus of Montana State University and is heard on Yellowstone Public Radio, Montana Public Radio, and Armed Forces Radio and Television Service.

Spotlight: National Young Readers Week
November 9-13 is National Young Readers Week. Hundreds of schools around the nation celebrate this annual event, established in 1989.

Local dignitaries read aloud to classrooms, and BookIt and other incentive programs encourage kids to embrace books.
More Info
Farcountry Press Children’s Series
Farcountry Press Kids' Book Club
The Farcountry Press Kids' Book Club seeks to inspire kids to read and also raises funds for schools.
Call us at 1.800.821.3874 for more information on how to bring this excellent fundraising program to your school.

Tornado Road
In its new series “Tornado Road” (airing throughout October), the Weather Channel follows storm chaser and author Jon Davies, author of Storm Chasers! On the Trail of Twisters, as he tracks tornadoes—and signs his popular children’s book. Don’t miss it!
More on Jon’s Book
Jon Davies’ Blog
Tornado Road

It’s book signing season! Our authors, photographers, and illustrators are available for book signings and other events.
Promotional materials are available. Just give us a call at 1-800-821-3874.
We haven’t even finished our Halloween candy and it’s already time to dream about turkey and stuffing. (No complaints.) In addition to our regular features, this month we share a free recipe from the wildly popular cookbook A Taste of Wyoming, spotlight National Young Reader’s week, and introduce you to popular historian and author Ellen Baumler. Thanks for reading.

Free Recipe
Featured Author
Win Stuff!
Robert’s Sketchbook
Book Buzz
Event Calendar
Chrysti the Wordsmith
Spotlight: National Young Reader’s Week
Tornado Road

Free Recipe: Taste of Wyoming

The recipe appears in the elegant cookbook A Taste of Wyoming, by Pamela Sinclair, with photography by Paulette Phlipot. (psssst… this book makes an excellent Christmas gift!)

More Info
The Wildflower Inn
Photographer’s Website

Meet Ellen Baumler, interpretive historian for the Montana Historical Society and author of several books, including Montana Chillers: 13 True Tales of Ghosts and Hauntings.
Favorite place to buy books:
Montana Historical Society Gift Store

Dobie is a Lhasa Apso/Havanese mix, adorable, but he barks at animals on TV. Horses and cows drive him nuts.
Starkey is clutsy gray tabby cat. A couple of years ago, he fell off the roof, dislocated his hip, and used up most of his nine lives. He made a full recovery but he has never been very graceful.
What would you be doing if you weren't a historian and author?
Probably teaching high school equivalency (GED), which is what I did for 10 years in Tucson, Arizona, before I came to Montana.

Congratulations to Marla U., of Helena, Montana. Marla’s prize of choice was Bug Feats of Montana by Deborah Richie Oberbillig, with illustrations by Robert Rath.
You could be the next winner! Enter our December drawing to win a free book from www.farcountrypress.com (drawing excludes books by other publishers that Farcountry distributes).
Just send us an email at newsletter@farcountrypress.com by November 21. Be sure to type “November drawing” in the subject line. Good luck!

Robert’s Sketchbook
Illustrator Robert Rath shares some sketches he made during the Montana Festival of the Book in Missoula last weekend.

Illustrator’s Website
Robert Rath’s latest books:
Bug Feats of Montana
Yellowstone's Hot Legends and Cool Myths

Chrysti the Wordsmith
Already dreaming of a tasty Thanksgiving meal? Radio host and author Chrysti the Wordsmith explains why the baked bird on your Turkey Day table shares the name of a country half a world away.
The tale of this shared name begins in 1519, when explorer Hernando Cortez and his Spanish company arrived in the heart of the Aztec empire and found the people raising and eating a large bird they called huexolotlin, a name imitating its gobbling call. When Cortez returned to Spain, several huexolotlin were in his ship’s hold.
The Spaniards, who found the meat of the bird agreeable indeed, dropped the exotic native name of the creature and re-christened it “el Pavo” and the “Indian fowl.”
By about 1530, the descendants of Cortez’s imported “Indian fowl” arrived in England. But because the first specimens were transported to the British Isles on Levantine merchant ships originating in Turkish territory, the British assumed the exotic birds were natives of Turkey. By the 1600s, turkeys were common in the farmyards and on the tables of the English.
Imagine the surprise the first European immigrants to this continent when they discovered all the “turkeys” on the shores of the New World.
From Verbivore’s Feast, Second Course: More Word and Phrase Origins by Chrysti the Wordsmith. Also available is Verbivore’s Feast: A Banquet of Word and Phrase Origins.
Author’s Website
Chrysti the Wordsmith is produced at KGLT-FM on the campus of Montana State University and is heard on Yellowstone Public Radio, Montana Public Radio, and Armed Forces Radio and Television Service.

Spotlight: National Young Readers Week
November 9-13 is National Young Readers Week. Hundreds of schools around the nation celebrate this annual event, established in 1989.

Local dignitaries read aloud to classrooms, and BookIt and other incentive programs encourage kids to embrace books.
More Info
Farcountry Press Children’s Series
Farcountry Press Kids' Book Club
The Farcountry Press Kids' Book Club seeks to inspire kids to read and also raises funds for schools.
Call us at 1.800.821.3874 for more information on how to bring this excellent fundraising program to your school.

Tornado Road

Jon Davies’ Blog
Tornado Road

It’s book signing season! Our authors, photographers, and illustrators are available for book signings and other events.
Promotional materials are available. Just give us a call at 1-800-821-3874.

If you would like to forward this newsletter to a friend, click the following link:
Forward to a friend

New Distributed Titles

The Wild Wolf Pack Mystery
by Chris and Jennifer Newbold
illustrations by Robert Rath
published by University Pride Publishing

The U.S. Army
in Frontier Montana
by Ronald V. Rockwell
published by Ronald V. Rockwell
produced by Sweetgrass Books
October Bestsellers
1. Montana Women
Homesteaders: A Field
of One’s Own
2. 2010 Montana Calendar
3. Who Pooped in the Park?
Grand Canyon National Park
4. Who Pooped in the Park?
Great Smoky Mountains
National Park
5. Rocky Mountain Babies
In the News

Be sure to check out the November issue of Sunset Magazine, which features a Q/A with Peter Fish, editor of the new anthology California’s Best: Two Centuries of Great Writing from the Golden State.
Sunset Magazine

Richard Paul Evans, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Christmas Box, says “Gingerbread from the Heart will touch children and adults alike, sparking their creativity and inspiring them to bless the lives of others."

Jyl Hoyt of Boise Public Radio interviews author Deborah Richie Oberbillig about the gross and startling facts kids love in her new book Bug Feats.
Click here to listen.
Get Your Catalog
Click here for a copy of our 2009 catalog.

Photo by Donald M. Jones, www.donaldmjones.com.

Book Signings
November 13, 6 pm to 9 pm
Fall Art Walk
Downtown Helena, MT
Ellen Baumler signs Montana Chillers: 13 True Tales of Ghosts and Hauntings.
November 6
Roundup Bazaar
Roundup, MT
DruAnn Robidou signs Yes, I Remember Well: A Montana Christmas, When I was a Little Girl.
November 7
Big Timber Bazaar
Big Timber, MT
DruAnn Robidou signs Yes, I Remember Well: A Montana Christmas, When I was a Little Girl.
November 21, 10 am to 11 am
University of Wisconsin-Madison Bookstore
705 N. Midvale Blvd.
Madison, WI
Chris Newbold and Bucky sign The Big Bucky Badger Mystery.

Give Us a Holler!
We love hearing from you! If you have anything to share related to Farcountry Press books, please send us an email at newsletter@farcountrypress.com.