The Big Bucky Badger Mystery

by Chris Newbold

illustrations by Robert Rath

published by University Pride Publishing

  • Bucky's on the loose! Everyone's favorite University of Wisconsin Badger has a mystery to solve...

    Follow Bucky as he sails, scampers, and searches his way to learning a very important lesson!

32 pages, 8.5 x 11, 30 hardcovers per case

ISBN 10: 0-9841196-1-2
ISBN 13: 978-0-9841196-1-5

October 2009





The Big Bucky Badger Mystery

The Big Bucky Badger Mystery align=

Chris Newbold align= Chris, a loyal University of Wisconsin-Madison alumnus (BA ?93), is always looking for ways to cheer on his beloved Badgers. He resides in Missoula, Montana and spends a lot of time cheering on his family, which includes his wife, Jennifer (his partner in creating The Big Bucky Badger Mystery), and the next generation of Badger fans: son, Cameron, and daughter, Mallory. On Wisconsin!
 align= Robert Rath is an illustrator, designer, and author with dozens of books to his credit. Although he has worked with Scholastic Books, Lucasfilm, The History Channel, Carus Publishing, and many other magazines, book publishers, and universities, his favorite project is keeping up with his family.

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