Wild Yellowstone
Land of Geysers & Grizzlies

by David William Peterson

photography by David William Peterson

published by Farcountry Press

  • Yellowstone: land of geysers and grizzlies and bison and wolves and canyons and mountains and waterfalls and...well, you get the picture. Photographer, David Peterson has been getting the pictures since first visiting the park in 1982, and has even made it his home. Really...at least for the summers. And now David wants everyone to see the park through his insider's eyes, as he captured the many moods of Yellowstone National Parkā€“from misty vistas of Yellowstone's varied landscape to wildfires and stormy skyscapes. Engaging wildlife shots and sweeping aerials complete this portrait of WILD YELLOWSTONE!

120 pages, 10.5, 15 softcovers per case, Perfect

ISBN 10: 1-56037-818-1
ISBN 13: 978-1-56037-818-1


    - Features aerial photos taken from a light-weight aircraft.

    - Images of Wildlife and famous park features.

    - Popular views and little-known sites.





Wild Yellowstone
Land of Geysers & Grizzlies

David William Peterson, grew up looking at photo books, books like Mountain Light, by Galen Rowell, and Our National Parks, by Ansel Adams. He then learned how to read, and got his hands on such scholarly works as: My Brother Was an Only Child; Never Sniff a Gift Fish; and Man's Search for Meaning. David Peterson has now been photographing Yellowstone since 1983. He started with a 35mm Pentax and has been accumulating equipment ever since. Realizing, though, that cameras are only one small part of the process, Dave began developing a style of his own, an ethereal, somewhat mystical style that captures Yellowstone's unique characteristics like no other. Peterson lives during the summer season in Yellowstone National Park where he sells his books, calendars, and fine art photo prints.

FARCOUNTRY PRESS  ·  P.O. BOX 5630  ·  HELENA, MT  ·  59604  ·  1-800-821-3874  ·  406-422-1263