Wondering about Wildflowers?
A Wildflower Guide for the Northern Rocky Mountains

by Sharon Huff
and Dr. Stephen L. Love
and Sharron Akers

published by Sharon Phillips Huff

produced by Sweetgrass Books

  • This field guide enables amateurs to identify plants in the Northern Rocky Mountains especially those in Idaho and Montana, including the Lolo Trail, and four parks: Craters of the Moon National Monument, and Glacier, Grand Teton, and Yellowstone National Parks.

304 pages, 8.5 X 11, 1 color photos, index, glossary, 12 softcovers per case, Paperback

ISBN 10: 1591522196
ISBN 13: 9781591522195


    Over 1,000 color photographs of 490 different plants, arranged by color. Plant characteristics in ordinary language, not technical jargon. Descriptive text includes blooming period and other important details.





Wondering about Wildflowers?
A Wildflower Guide for the Northern Rocky Mountains

"After purchasing what seems now to be a zillion wildflower books and using the Internet for information, we learned that having a good picture of the flower's leaves was vital in its identification for us. Mainly, we could not have learned what we have without the help of Dr. Stephen L. Love, Research Professor of the Aberdeen Experimental Research Center who came to our aid. He corrected our many mistakes and dragged us up the learning curve. Without his help, we would have given up long, long, long ago. Slowly, we learned more, found a new little Eden with unusual wildflowers. Each year we made a new DVD of the flowers we found and made a handful of sales....This year we decided to put all our pictures together in a book, for reference. We are both eighty-two years old, and our brains not too sharp. The book was to help us remember the name of the flower that may be on the tip of our tongue... Most books have detailed descriptions of the flowers but not enough close up pictures. A beginner usually cannot understand some of the descriptions, and it is the pictures that help identify the flowers. This book is for the beginners, who merely want a clue as to what flower might be in front of them."- from the Introduction

Sharon Huff align= Sharon Huff earned her master's degree from Arizona State University and taught English to high school students. She and her husband live in Phoenix but spend summers in Mackay, Idaho, her old hometown. As a hobby, she photographs wildflowers in Montana and Idaho, especially those in Blaine, Butte, and Custer Counties
Dr. Stephen L. Love align= Dr. Stephen L. Love is an amateur botanist and extension horticulturist for the University of Idaho. He earned his bachelor's degree at Brigham Young University and Ph.D at Clemson University. Dr. Love develops native plant products for use in water-conserving landscapes and has collected over 1,200 species of Intermountain native wildflowers and shrubs.
Dr. Stephen L. Love align= Sharron Akers earned her Master's in World Missions, a Doctorate in Ministry, and is an author. Her love of wildflowers was influenced by her father who, every spring as a child, would take her up on their cattle range under Mt. Borah and show her the breathtakingly beautiful purple, yellow, red or white flower-blooming foothills as one will see illustrated in this book.

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