Who Pooped in the Redwoods?
Scat and Tracks for Kids

by Gary D. Robson
and Robert Rath

  • Get the scoop on poop! Sometimes the animals that live in the Redwoods are hard to find - but you can almost always find their poop! Come along with Emily, Michael, and their parents as they find poop (scat) and footprints (tracks) and discover which animal made them! Find out Who Pooped! Includes Field Identification Guide to common scat and tracks.

48 pages, 9 1/8, 2 map(s), Paperback

ISBN 10:
ISBN 13: 9781560376293





Who Pooped in the Redwoods?
Scat and Tracks for Kids

Who Pooped in the Redwoods? align=

Gary D. Robson align= Gary Robson lives in Montana near Yellowstone National Park, where he and his wife own a bookstore and tea bar. Gary has written dozens of books and hundreds of articles, mostly related to science, nature, and technology.
Robert Rath align= Robert Rath is a book designer and illustrator living in Bozeman, Montana. Although he has worked with Scholastic Books, Lucasfilm, and The History Channel, his favorite project is keeping up with his family.

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