Yellowstone Bison
The Science and Management of a Migratory Wildlife Population
by C. Cormack Gates
and Len Broberg
published by The University of Montana Press
- The bison is an icon of the Western range and a symbol of the challenge of large migratory herbivore management in a partially settled landscape. Yellowstone National Park is one of the few remaining wild bison strongholds in North America, but the management of this population has increasingly been the subject of controversy. In a national park spanning three states and adjoined by federal and private lands, the history of this migratory wildlife population presents a compelling tale of transboundary management. This book reviews the ecology of the species, documents Yellowstone bison management history, illustrates the use of a systems-modeling approach to issue resolution, and offers insights into the challenges of management in a dynamic administrative context.
200 pages, 6 x 9
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13: 978-0-9815760-5-3
December 2011