June 2009:
June is Great Outdoors Month, and we hope you all have the opportunity to celebrate by spending as much time as possible in our national parks and national forests. Click here to learn more.
In addition to our normal features, in this months Bookmark we list some books to help guide you to some of our favorite outdoor places, introduce you to Deborah Richie Oberbillig (author of a cool new kids book on bugs), and give you the chance to win more free stuff!

Great Outdoors Month
Check out some of our favorite guides to the great outdoors:
Glacier Day Hikes
Updated Edition
Maps By Alan Leftridge
A Rangers Guide to Yellowstone Day Hikes
Updated Edition
Edition By Roger Anderson
and Carol Shively Anderson
Birds in Place: A Habitat-based Field Guide
to Birds of the Northern Rockies
By Radd Icenoggle
Fly Fishing Montanas Missouri River
By Trapper Badovinac

The Winning Caption

Photo of a black bear cub by Donald M. Jones, Montana Wildlife Portfolio.
Visit Don and view his work at www.donaldmjones.com.
Congrats to Jeannette Anderson, teacher and librarian in Terry, Montana, for submitting the winning caption this month. Jeannette chose the book Charles Fritz: 100 Paintings Illustrating the Journals of Lewis and Clark from the FarcountryPress.com online catalog. Well be sending you an autographed copy, Jeannette!

Want to Win a Free Book?
June marks the release of Moose of Yellowstone and Grand Teton. This spectacular collection of images by award-winning photographer Henry H. Holdsworth offers the first-ever view into the lives of the Shiras moose of Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks.
Take a look at this photo of a moose from Henrys new book and send us your most clever caption. If we pick your entry, well send you the book of your choice from www.FarcountryPress.comas well as feature your caption in next months newsletter.

Visit Henry and view his work at www.wildbynaturegallery.com.

Featured Author
Deborah Richie Oberbillig, author of Bug Feats of Montana.
What are your current obsessions?
Chasing after elusive belted kingfishers for another book project. Running long distance in hopes of entering the Missoula Marathon in July. And naturallyheading to soccer games to watch my 12-year-old son play.
What is your favorite city?
San Francisco because of the great sea lion watching right at the pier! And I love all the hills, connection to the sea, and cultural diversity.
What is your favorite quote?
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Natures peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn. John Muir
(I put that quote in my high school yearbook and it still rings true today).
What would you be doing if you werent a writer/journalist?
I think Id be a full-time naturalist learning everything possible about bugs, animals, birds, plants, sea lifenow thats a lifelong endeavor. Id take people on nature trips across the world. But Id never stop writing!

Draw with Rob
Click HERE or on the comic below to enlarge.

Visit Rob and view his work at www.robertrath.net.

The 2009 Benjamin Franklin Awards were announced at Book Expo America in New York City on May 28. Were thrilled to announce that Glacier National Park: The First 100 Years won first place in the history category!
Benjamin Franklin Awards recognize excellence in independent publishing. Books are judged on editorial and design merit by top practitioners in each field.
Congratulations to author C. W. Guthrie, who spent several years researching and writing the landmark book celebrating the 2010 centennial of Glacier National Park.
Click here to view the full list of award winners.

Verbivores Feast
Its wedding season! Radio host and author Chrysti the Wordsmith reveals the origins of a blissful marital term.
Honeymoon is a sweet-sounding word for a lovers escapade. How did this charming term come to inhabit our vocabulary?
One folkloric explanation arises from northern Europe. It is said that newlyweds would share a cup of mead, or wine mixed with honey, daily for the first month, or moon, following the marriage.
This luscious etymology, alas, is unreliable. The word honeymoon most likely arises from the cynics view of married love.
The first citation of the word appeared in a 1552 glossary printed in England, called Abcedarium Anglico Latinum. A term…applied to such as be new married, it reads, The one loueth the other at the beginning exceedingly, the likelihood of their exceeding love appearing to assuage, the which time the vulgar people call the honey moon.
This early citation, and all subsequent ones, suggest that marital love can be compared to the lunar phases. When love is new, it is full and honey sweet. But as married life progresses, love dims like the waning of the moon.
The custom of the honeymoon trip arose in early in the nineteenth century, whereupon the verb form to honeymoon appeared in the English vocabulary.
From Verbivores Feast: A Banquet of Word and Phrase Origins by Chrysti the Wordsmith. Also available is Verbivores Feast, Second Course: More Word and Phrase Origins.
Chrysti the Wordsmith is produced at KGLT-FM on the campus of Montana State University and is heard on Yellowstone Public Radio, Montana Public Radio, and Armed Forces Radio and Television Service.
June is Great Outdoors Month, and we hope you all have the opportunity to celebrate by spending as much time as possible in our national parks and national forests. Click here to learn more.
In addition to our normal features, in this months Bookmark we list some books to help guide you to some of our favorite outdoor places, introduce you to Deborah Richie Oberbillig (author of a cool new kids book on bugs), and give you the chance to win more free stuff!

Check out some of our favorite guides to the great outdoors:
Glacier Day Hikes
Updated Edition
Maps By Alan Leftridge
A Rangers Guide to Yellowstone Day Hikes
Updated Edition
Edition By Roger Anderson
and Carol Shively Anderson
Birds in Place: A Habitat-based Field Guide
to Birds of the Northern Rockies
By Radd Icenoggle
Fly Fishing Montanas Missouri River
By Trapper Badovinac

The Winning Caption

Photo of a black bear cub by Donald M. Jones, Montana Wildlife Portfolio.
Visit Don and view his work at www.donaldmjones.com.
Congrats to Jeannette Anderson, teacher and librarian in Terry, Montana, for submitting the winning caption this month. Jeannette chose the book Charles Fritz: 100 Paintings Illustrating the Journals of Lewis and Clark from the FarcountryPress.com online catalog. Well be sending you an autographed copy, Jeannette!

Want to Win a Free Book?
June marks the release of Moose of Yellowstone and Grand Teton. This spectacular collection of images by award-winning photographer Henry H. Holdsworth offers the first-ever view into the lives of the Shiras moose of Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks.
Take a look at this photo of a moose from Henrys new book and send us your most clever caption. If we pick your entry, well send you the book of your choice from www.FarcountryPress.comas well as feature your caption in next months newsletter.

Visit Henry and view his work at www.wildbynaturegallery.com.

Deborah Richie Oberbillig, author of Bug Feats of Montana.
What are your current obsessions?
Chasing after elusive belted kingfishers for another book project. Running long distance in hopes of entering the Missoula Marathon in July. And naturallyheading to soccer games to watch my 12-year-old son play.
What is your favorite city?
San Francisco because of the great sea lion watching right at the pier! And I love all the hills, connection to the sea, and cultural diversity.
What is your favorite quote?
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Natures peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn. John Muir
(I put that quote in my high school yearbook and it still rings true today).
What would you be doing if you werent a writer/journalist?
I think Id be a full-time naturalist learning everything possible about bugs, animals, birds, plants, sea lifenow thats a lifelong endeavor. Id take people on nature trips across the world. But Id never stop writing!

Draw with Rob
Click HERE or on the comic below to enlarge.

Visit Rob and view his work at www.robertrath.net.

The 2009 Benjamin Franklin Awards were announced at Book Expo America in New York City on May 28. Were thrilled to announce that Glacier National Park: The First 100 Years won first place in the history category!
Benjamin Franklin Awards recognize excellence in independent publishing. Books are judged on editorial and design merit by top practitioners in each field.
Congratulations to author C. W. Guthrie, who spent several years researching and writing the landmark book celebrating the 2010 centennial of Glacier National Park.
Click here to view the full list of award winners.

Its wedding season! Radio host and author Chrysti the Wordsmith reveals the origins of a blissful marital term.
Honeymoon is a sweet-sounding word for a lovers escapade. How did this charming term come to inhabit our vocabulary?
One folkloric explanation arises from northern Europe. It is said that newlyweds would share a cup of mead, or wine mixed with honey, daily for the first month, or moon, following the marriage.
This luscious etymology, alas, is unreliable. The word honeymoon most likely arises from the cynics view of married love.
The first citation of the word appeared in a 1552 glossary printed in England, called Abcedarium Anglico Latinum. A term…applied to such as be new married, it reads, The one loueth the other at the beginning exceedingly, the likelihood of their exceeding love appearing to assuage, the which time the vulgar people call the honey moon.
This early citation, and all subsequent ones, suggest that marital love can be compared to the lunar phases. When love is new, it is full and honey sweet. But as married life progresses, love dims like the waning of the moon.
The custom of the honeymoon trip arose in early in the nineteenth century, whereupon the verb form to honeymoon appeared in the English vocabulary.
From Verbivores Feast: A Banquet of Word and Phrase Origins by Chrysti the Wordsmith. Also available is Verbivores Feast, Second Course: More Word and Phrase Origins.
Chrysti the Wordsmith is produced at KGLT-FM on the campus of Montana State University and is heard on Yellowstone Public Radio, Montana Public Radio, and Armed Forces Radio and Television Service.

JOB TITLE: Sales Representative, eastern U.S.
DID YOU KNOW: The proud mother of 3 kids (22, 14, 10) and an avid reader, Sue is known around the office as the one who brings in all the delicious baked goods that tempt the rest of the staff.
Of her job, she says, Having the opportunity to explore my sales territory has been fantastic. I saw a lightening bug for the first time on my 44th birthday, and it was awesome!

New Releases
Moose of Yellowstone
and Grand Teton
By Henry H. Holdsworth

Bug Feats of Montana
By Deborah Richie Oberbillig

May Bestsellers
1. 2010 Montana Magazine
Scenic Calendar
2. Who Pooped in the Park?
Yellowstone National Park
3. 2010 Montana Wildlife
4. Who Pooped in the Park?
Grand Canyon National Park
5. Utah Impressions
Coming in July
Boise Impressions
By Idaho Stock Images

Californias Best:
Two Centuries of Great
Writing from the Golden State
Edited by Peter Fish

Book Buzz
Two chapters of Michael Rutters Upstairs Girls: Prostitution in the American West have been selected to appear in the forthcoming anthology Deadwood: The Best Writings on the Most Notorious Town in the West, by Thomas D. Griffith.
Dont miss the exhibition of Charles Fritzs 100 Paintings Illustrating the Journals of Lewis and Clark at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming, from June 6 to August 30. Opening reception on June 27. www.bbhc.org
Get Your Catalog
Click HERE for a copy of our 2009 catalog.

Photo by Donald M. Jones, www.donaldmjones.com.

Book Signings
June 4, 4-8 p.m.
Uncommon Ground
1401 W. Devon Ave.
Chicago, IL
Nancy Schumm Burgess and Ernest J. Schweit sign their new book Wisconsin Barns.
June 12 and 13
National Cowboy Museum
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Western artist Charles Fritz signs copies of his book Charles Fritz: 100 Paintings Illustrating the Journals of Lewis and ClarkThe Complete Collection.
June 20, 2 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
3402 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN
Photographer Bob Schatz signs his book Memphis Impressions.
June 6, 3 p.m.-midnight
Chase Stone Barn Park Fundraiser Picnic
8481 County Road S.
Pulaski, Wisconsin
Nancy Schumm Burgess and Ernest J. Schweit sign their new book Wisconsin Barns.
June 26 and 27
Buffalo Bill Historical Center
Cody, Wyoming
Opening reception, book signing, presentation by renowned Western artist Charles Fritz, author of Charles Fritz: 100 Paintings Illustrating the Journals of Lewis and ClarkThe Complete Collection. www.bbhc.org
TV Appearances
June 4
WGN-TV (Chicago)
Nancy Schumm Burgess and Ernest J Schweit discuss their new book Wisconsin Barns.

We love hearing from you!
If you have anything to share related to Farcountry Press books, please send us an email at [email protected].