August 2009:
August marks the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina—and when we first met storm chasers Jim Reed and Mike Theiss, who photographed the landfall of the powerful and devastating hurricane. We highlight their book of remarkable photographs from those days; they stand as a solemn reminder of the tremendous loss experienced by those of you on the Gulf Coast.
Also in this issue:
Featured Photographer
Chrysti the Wordsmith
Images of Hurricane Katrina
Storm Chasers
Winning Caption
Win Stuff
Robert's Sketchbook
Meet the Staff
Book Buzz
Event Calendar

Featured Photographer
Paul Rezendes, photographer for Massachusetts Impressions.
What is your favorite place to buy books?
We spend a lot of time on Martha's Vineyard. There is a really great bookstore there called Bunch of Grapes, in Vineyard Haven.
What would you be doing if you weren't a photographer?
Sailing my 30-foot sailboat, the Rachel Kalyn, named for my two granddaughters.
What’s your favorite shot in the book?
Pages 12 and 13, the double-page spread of the Berkshire Mountains.

Chrysti the Wordsmith
We eat them at weekend barbecues and roast them over campfires. Author and radio host Chrysti the Wordsmith shares the origins of a popular summertime treat.
Hot Dog
Most sources quote, but cannot verify, a colorful legend of the birth of the term hot dog that involves a dachshund, a ballpark, and a cartoonist.
In the early 1900s, sausages were a favorite food at New York area baseball games. The story has it that one local vendor was hawking what he called “hot dachshund sausages,” a name suggesting the shape and German origins of the preparation. A local sports cartoonist came home from a game one day and rendered an illustration of the vendor at his stand. Dorgan drew a scene of a barking dachshund nestled in a bun, but, unable to spell the German word dachshund, he captioned the cartoon “get your hot dogs here!” Though this makes a compelling story, the illustration that allegedly inspired the name of one of America’s favorite fast foods has never surfaced.
Other sources claim that the Germans had for decades affectionately nicknamed their Frankfurter sausages dachshunds for their obvious shape. In the nineteenth century, American college students adopted this notion, but with the sly implication that the sausage was literally made of dog meat. So a freshly cooked dachshund sausage became a hot dog among college students.
Word watcher John Ayto, in his 20th Century Words, departs from both of these explanations. He claims that this American-style sausage may owe its name to the hot dog who’s a daredevil, a hot shot, one who is skilled or daring. This sense of hot dog, Ayto says, was in place in the language since 1900, so the edible hot dog “would be a super sausage sandwich.”
From Verbivore’s Feast: A Banquet of Word and Phrase Origins by Chrysti the Wordsmith. Also available is Verbivore’s Feast, Second Course: More Word and Phrase Origins.
Chrysti the Wordsmith is produced at KGLT-FM on the campus of Montana State University and is heard on Yellowstone Public Radio, Montana Public Radio, and Armed Forces Radio and Television Service.

Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina: Through the Eyes of Storm Chasers offers a historic and unprecedented view inside a Category 5 hurricane—and the devastating aftermath.
Congratulations to Jim Reed, whose remarkable photograph of a twister in Kansas appears as a two-page spread in the June issue of National Geographic! See the shot by clicking here.
Check out what Jim and Mike are up to at: www.jimreedphoto.com and www.mthurricane.com.

Storm Chasers
Ever wonder what a storm chaser does? Come along with meteorologist and storm chaser Jon Davies and find out! Davies teaches kids 8 to 12 about severe storms, tornadoes, and storm chasing as he trails a twister in the Kansas countryside. Read more.
Visit John Davies at www.jondavies.net.

The Winning Caption

Photo of fox kits by Wendy Shattil and Bob Rozinski, Born Wild in Colorado.
Visit Wendy and Bob and view their work at www.dancingpelican.com.
Congrats to Kitti McConnell, of LaVergne, Tennessee, for submitting the winning caption this month. Kitti chose the book Grand Canyon Impressions from the FarcountryPress.com online catalog.

Win Stuff!
Enter our drawing to win the book of your choice from www.farcountrypress.com. Just send us an email at [email protected] by August 14, and we’ll enter your name in our monthly drawing. Be sure to type “August drawing” in the subject line.

Robert's Sketchbook
Illustrator Robert Rath shares some recent drawings from his sketchbook.
Click on the image below or HERE to see in full size.

To view the work of illustrator Robert Rath, visit his website at www.robertrath.net.
Check out his latest books, Bug Feats of Montana and Yellowstone's Hot Legends and Cool Myths.

It's book signing season! Our authors, photographers, and illustrators are available for book signings and other events. Promotional materials are available. Just give us a call at 1-800-821-3874.
August marks the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina—and when we first met storm chasers Jim Reed and Mike Theiss, who photographed the landfall of the powerful and devastating hurricane. We highlight their book of remarkable photographs from those days; they stand as a solemn reminder of the tremendous loss experienced by those of you on the Gulf Coast.

Featured Photographer
Chrysti the Wordsmith
Images of Hurricane Katrina
Storm Chasers
Winning Caption
Win Stuff
Robert's Sketchbook
Meet the Staff
Book Buzz
Event Calendar

Paul Rezendes, photographer for Massachusetts Impressions.
What is your favorite place to buy books?
We spend a lot of time on Martha's Vineyard. There is a really great bookstore there called Bunch of Grapes, in Vineyard Haven.
What would you be doing if you weren't a photographer?
Sailing my 30-foot sailboat, the Rachel Kalyn, named for my two granddaughters.
What’s your favorite shot in the book?
Pages 12 and 13, the double-page spread of the Berkshire Mountains.

We eat them at weekend barbecues and roast them over campfires. Author and radio host Chrysti the Wordsmith shares the origins of a popular summertime treat.
Hot Dog
Most sources quote, but cannot verify, a colorful legend of the birth of the term hot dog that involves a dachshund, a ballpark, and a cartoonist.
In the early 1900s, sausages were a favorite food at New York area baseball games. The story has it that one local vendor was hawking what he called “hot dachshund sausages,” a name suggesting the shape and German origins of the preparation. A local sports cartoonist came home from a game one day and rendered an illustration of the vendor at his stand. Dorgan drew a scene of a barking dachshund nestled in a bun, but, unable to spell the German word dachshund, he captioned the cartoon “get your hot dogs here!” Though this makes a compelling story, the illustration that allegedly inspired the name of one of America’s favorite fast foods has never surfaced.
Other sources claim that the Germans had for decades affectionately nicknamed their Frankfurter sausages dachshunds for their obvious shape. In the nineteenth century, American college students adopted this notion, but with the sly implication that the sausage was literally made of dog meat. So a freshly cooked dachshund sausage became a hot dog among college students.
Word watcher John Ayto, in his 20th Century Words, departs from both of these explanations. He claims that this American-style sausage may owe its name to the hot dog who’s a daredevil, a hot shot, one who is skilled or daring. This sense of hot dog, Ayto says, was in place in the language since 1900, so the edible hot dog “would be a super sausage sandwich.”
From Verbivore’s Feast: A Banquet of Word and Phrase Origins by Chrysti the Wordsmith. Also available is Verbivore’s Feast, Second Course: More Word and Phrase Origins.
Chrysti the Wordsmith is produced at KGLT-FM on the campus of Montana State University and is heard on Yellowstone Public Radio, Montana Public Radio, and Armed Forces Radio and Television Service.

Hurricane Katrina: Through the Eyes of Storm Chasers offers a historic and unprecedented view inside a Category 5 hurricane—and the devastating aftermath.
Congratulations to Jim Reed, whose remarkable photograph of a twister in Kansas appears as a two-page spread in the June issue of National Geographic! See the shot by clicking here.
Check out what Jim and Mike are up to at: www.jimreedphoto.com and www.mthurricane.com.

Ever wonder what a storm chaser does? Come along with meteorologist and storm chaser Jon Davies and find out! Davies teaches kids 8 to 12 about severe storms, tornadoes, and storm chasing as he trails a twister in the Kansas countryside. Read more.
Visit John Davies at www.jondavies.net.

The Winning Caption

Photo of fox kits by Wendy Shattil and Bob Rozinski, Born Wild in Colorado.
Visit Wendy and Bob and view their work at www.dancingpelican.com.
Congrats to Kitti McConnell, of LaVergne, Tennessee, for submitting the winning caption this month. Kitti chose the book Grand Canyon Impressions from the FarcountryPress.com online catalog.

Win Stuff!
Enter our drawing to win the book of your choice from www.farcountrypress.com. Just send us an email at [email protected] by August 14, and we’ll enter your name in our monthly drawing. Be sure to type “August drawing” in the subject line.

Robert's Sketchbook
Illustrator Robert Rath shares some recent drawings from his sketchbook.
Click on the image below or HERE to see in full size.

To view the work of illustrator Robert Rath, visit his website at www.robertrath.net.
Check out his latest books, Bug Feats of Montana and Yellowstone's Hot Legends and Cool Myths.

It's book signing season! Our authors, photographers, and illustrators are available for book signings and other events. Promotional materials are available. Just give us a call at 1-800-821-3874.

JOB TITLE: Publisher
YEARS WITH FCP: 3 months
DID YOU KNOW: Randy is Farcountry’s new publisher. Born in Butte, he recently returned to Montana after several decades in the Midwest and California. He and his wife have two sons in college and a daughter in high school.

New Releases
Massachusetts Impressions
Photography by Paul Rezendes

Coming in September
Glacier Babies!
Wendy Shattil and Bob Rozinski

Rocky Mountain Babies!
Wendy Shattil and Bob Rozinski

Yellowstone and
Grand Teton Babies!
Wendy Shattil and Bob Rozinski

July Bestsellers
1. Who Pooped in the Park?
Yellowstone National Park
2. Grand Teton Impressions
3. Grand Canyon Impressions
4. Portrait of Jackson Hole
and the Tetons
5. California's Best:
Two Centuries of
Great Writing from
the Golden State
In the News
The judges of the 2009 Ben Franklin Awards call A Taste of Wyoming “top notch” and “a superior cookbook.”
Children’s Bookwatch “enthusiastically recommends” Bug Feats, calling it “fun and informative” and “superbly illustrated.”
Midwest Book Review calls Charles Fritz: 100 Paintings Illustrating the Journals of Lewis and Clark “a wonderful work for history buffs and art aficionados” and describes Fritz’s paintings as “masterful.”
Get Your Catalog
Click HERE for a copy of our 2009 catalog.

Photo by Donald M. Jones, www.donaldmjones.com.

Book Signings
August 14, 4-6 p.m.
4610 Merchants Park Circle Collierville, TN
Photographer Bob Schatz signs Memphis Impressions, Tennessee Impressions, and Tennessee Simply Beautiful.

We love hearing from you!
If you have anything to share related to Farcountry Press books, please send us an email at [email protected].